The Dreamworld Saga actually covers quite a variety of settings—it takes place in three different worlds! Well, to be honest, I'm not sure how I plan to work that in the novel. I know that the real world will play a part, and then much of the novel will take place in the Dreamworld; I may also include another world or two, probably a medieval fantasy world of some sort. Anyway, the Dreamworld itself is the world that people glimpse when they dream. Most people don't actually go there, and it takes powerful magic to cross from a world into the Dreamworld. The Dreamworld touches all worlds, and all dreamers glimpse it when they dream. Almost anything can exist in the Dreamworld. Reflections of other worlds, impossible places, things that couldn't exist anywhere else...anything. Dreams themselves take on many forms; some are places, some are things, some are creatures—even people. Some dreams have a set form, and others do not, taking their form from the ideas in the dreamer's mind. The Dreamworld is a land of endless mysteries, and by the end of the novel, Ariana has barely begun to unlock them...
Artwork and Goodies
There are a lot of stories, poems, music, and artwork inspired by The Dreamworld Saga, too much to list here until I get it all organized! But until then, you can find what I've got up on the site in the individual sections for poetry, music, art, etc. Stories to be posted as soon as I get around to putting them into html format. Thanks for your patience! ^_~
If you just can't wait, check out Ryan's page for The Dreamworld Saga Online, a multiplayer online roleplaying game we're making, using the Well of Souls game engine. It promises to be a lot of fun if we ever get it finished! If you'd like to help out, go browse the page and see what we need. Arigatou!
GM: Amy
Status: On hold
How to join:
Well, DWS is kind of on hold and has been for a pretty long time, except for a few sporadic sessions every couple months or so. However, I do hope we can get it going again, perhaps in the summer. If you're interested, send me an email!
Check out the Dreamworld Saga novel!
The Dreamworld Saga ©2001 by Amy Unfred